Chiropractic Adjustments

Chiropractice Adjustments

  • a man is giving a woman a massage on a table


Professional Chiropractic Services You Can Count on In Carteret, NJ

Are you one of many Americans who find themselves stuck at a desk for hours on end each day due to your job? Or perhaps you recently found yourself in a car accident that left you banged up and sore? Whatever the case, when you find yourself suffering from stiffness, pain, or numbness in your extremities, you need the professionals at World of Wellness to determine the cause while discussing possible treatments. Our chiropractors have years of experience helping clients throughout Carteret, NJ, find relief.

Call (732) 800-1130 and talk with our staff about how we can relieve your pain while returning your range of motion.

Several Chiropractic Techniques Available Based on Your Needs

Diversified Technique

Possibly one of the most commonly practiced techniques practiced by practitioners worldwide. As the name suggests, this technique uses various chiropractic adjustments to correct vertebral segments with quick presses to your restrictive joints. Often when performed, you will hear a popping noise as gas is released from the unlocking joints.

Flexion Distraction Technique

Another popular technique used around the world is the Flexion Distraction technique. Our practitioners will gently manipulate you while positioned on a specialized segmented table. As the treatment progresses, sections of the table will move or drop naturally, causing you to move and allowing us to realign your spine with gravity.

Benefits of Routine Chiropractic Treatment Visits

Reduces Pressure Along Spinal Nerves & Discs

Decreases Bulging Due to Herniated Discs

Improvement in Range of Motion & Overall Mobility

Relieves Stiffness Due to Posture

Decreases Headaches

Treats Knee, Neck, Back, & Hip Pain

Alleviate Carpal Tunnel

Improves Posture

Pregnancy Pain

In need of an experienced chiropractor to help get your body back on track? Book one by calling (732) 800-1130.

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