Sports Injuries

Sports Injuries

  • a man is sitting on a track holding his ankle in pain


Keep Playing Hard with Sport Injury Treatments in Carteret, NJ

If you’ve played sports, you know it’s only a matter of time till you fall victim to a common sports-related injury. You might think the best action is to walk it off and try to keep pushing. While many athletes have this mentality, we can’t stress enough that continued stress will only worsen the damage already done and increase your recovery time. When you find yourself injured, you need help from the team of physical therapists trusted by athletes throughout Carteret, NJ, for nearly a decade, World of Wellness.

Don’t let a treatable injury keep you out of the game; call our friendly staff today at (732) 800-1130 and schedule an appointment.

Common Sports-Related Injuries We Treat

Sprains & Strains

Runner’s Knee

Pulled Muscles

Tennis Elbow

Frozen Shoulder

Torn ACL

Pain-Free Laser Therapy Treatments for Sports Injuries

When people think about lasers, they imagine either being cut or burned by a high-powered beam of light. Well, rest assured that is not the case here. Laser therapy is a low-dose treatment that uses select amounts of light energy over a specified period of time over multiple sessions, leaving our patients the freedom to resume everyday activities without fear of pain due to the treatments.

  • a man is getting his knee examined by a nurse .


ESWT (Shockwave Therapy)

ESWT shockwave therapy is a non-invasive medical treatment that uses shockwaves to treat a variety of musculoskeletal conditions. The shockwaves are created by a device that delivers high-energy acoustic waves to the affected area, stimulating the body's natural healing processes.

ESWT shockwave therapy has been shown to be effective in treating conditions such as plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, tennis elbow, and other soft tissue injuries. It is also used to promote bone healing and stimulate blood flow to promote tissue regeneration.

During the treatment, the patient may feel a mild tingling sensation or discomfort, but the therapy is generally well-tolerated and requires no anesthesia or medication. ESWT shockwave therapy is typically performed in a series of sessions, depending on the severity of the condition being treated.

Therapy that uses shockwaves to treat a variety of symptoms, such as:

Bicep Tendonitis

Achilles Tendonitis

Patellar Tendonitis

Golfer's Elbow/Tennis Elbow

Trigger Point Therapy

Trochanteric Pain Syndrome

Medial Tibial Pain Syndrome

Bursitis/Tendonitis of the Hip Bone

Plantar Fasciitis

We’re here to help you with your sports injuries! Simply call (732) 800-1130 to discuss your requirements.

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